Hi again! One Tuesday more I have for you a pretty cool tutorial which also comes with a Supplies Kit that you can get HERE. In the video I show you how easy it is to assemble your own leather Traveler's Notebook, passport size. In the Kit you have everything you need for this purpose (leather, elastic band, notebooks) plus plenty of decorative items to decorate your interior books.
El trozo de goma para el cierre mide 25cm y el trozo para pasar a través de los agujeros mide 50cm.
Las libretas tienen un tamaño de 9 x 12,5cm.
Espero que os guste y ya sabéis, aquí tenéis el link para conseguir uno de estos tres paquetes de material http://goo.gl/jw0bhM
Gracias por la visita y nos vemos en el próximo vídeo!
The size of the leather is 22 x 13.5 cm and marks made for holes 10.2 to 11 and to 11,8cm at the top and bottom of leather (half centimeter inward).
The piece of elastic for closure measures 25cm and the piece to pass through the holes measured 50cm.
The inserts have a size of 9 x 12.5 cm.
Hope you like it! Here is the link to get one of these three DIY Kits http://goo.gl/jw0bhM
Thank you for visiting and see you in the next video!
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